Monthly Archives: September 2013

Thalys logo - credits:

Quelle est la politique de compensation de Thalys en cas de retard?

Mon train était en retard à l’aller de 20+ minutes, au retour près de 35 minutes de retard.

Nous avons été informé qu’une politique de compensation existait et qu’il fallait aller chercher des papiers qui seraient envoyés au service de marketing de Thalys.

J’ai attendu d’être en face d’un ordinateur pour effectuer ma réclamation:

Là je m’intéresse aux compensations possibles … dommâge, la page n’existe pas:

Thalys, réclamations (retard, autre)

Thalys, réclamations (retard, autre)

CoderDojo Belgium

CoderDojo arrive à Bruxelles le 25 Septembre de 14h à 17h

Enfants inscrits en maternelle qui apprennent l'informatique. credits

Enfants inscrits en maternelle qui apprennent l’informatique. credits

As-tu entre 7 et 18 ans?

Aimes-tu l’informatique, les jeux vidéo? Veux-tu apprendre à programmer?

Alors CoderDojo est pour toi, enregistre toi gratuitement pour notre prochain événement en cliquant sur ce lien!

Viens et apprends tout sur la manière de concevoir un site internet, des jeux vidéo; Ensuite, entraine toi tout seul à la maison et partage ton travail à ta famille, tes amis et ton professeur!
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CoderDojo Belgium

CoderDojo arrives to Brussels, 25 September from 2pm to 5pm

Kindergarten children learning how to use computers. credits

Kindergarten children learning how to use computers. credits

Are you over 7 and under 18?

Do you like computers, games? Do you want to learn programming?

Then CoderDojo all for you, register for our next event in Brussels by clicking here!

Come and learn all about websites, games, apps and software; then, go immediately get to work.
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logo-nexus - (c) Google

Google Nexus 4: I’ll never buy LG phones again #ergonomics #hardware

Google Nexus Galaxy - (c) Google

Google Nexus Galaxy – (c) Google

I was quite happy to buy a Google Nexus 4 a few months ago. That was my first try to be an early adopter of something; usually I buy second-hand products from a famous bidding company.

Before buying the Google Nexus 4 I have read many reviews claiming it was awesome, the best of the best, the killer smartphone taking great pictures and videos, the lifetime of the battery was small but OK …..

I bought it from the US, import taxes costed me about 120 Euros (I wanted it).

Since then, I am really annoyed but the phone, it doesn’t correspond at all to the reviews I have read; I wonder how the reviewers did their test; were they high ?!?

I do invite LG’ designers to work with my company as beta tester of their newest technologies in order to get a fair feedback of their technologies; you know a feedback governed by authenticity, fairness and correctness.

  • the position of the speaker is simply wrong; One needs to place the smartphone on its glass to hear a thing!
  • Speakers quality is really poor even if you listen to 192 kbps music’s or radio stations
  • taking the smartphone with you left-hand make it unusable as the phone doesn’t react anymore correctly to the gesture
  • I thought my provider was the issue  but systematically calling twice my correspondent provides me with a descent communication channel
  • utilising the hand-free option never did the job; my correspondent never understand a word
  • Pictures taken with the phone are OK but don’t try to take a picture inside any building
  • Most videos at night records read eyes
  • Keeping 3G, listening to the radio and charging the phone “on the wall” at the same time doesn’t increase the battery life !!!! I do need to shutdown my 3G to charge my phone
  • THE LAST BUT NOT LEAST, the life time batteries while using the 3G is 3 hours maximum !!!!

could you confirm such issues on your Google Nexus 4?

Joindre les photocopies des cartes d’identité des personnes autorisées à reprendre les enfants #finalité #obscure

Pas assez de documents à remplir pour inscription des enfants?

Attendez que l’on vous demande la photocopie de la carte d’identité des grands parents, frères, soeurs et baby-sitter autorisés à reprendre vos enfants.


J’en conclus qu’une farde sera disponible avec les copies des cartes d’identités pour s’assurer que la personne qui vient chercher les enfants est bien dans cette liste ?!?

La finalité de la demande me semble bien obscure.