Category Archives: Non-profit

CoderDojo Belgium

CoderDojo arrive à Bruxelles le 25 Septembre de 14h à 17h

Enfants inscrits en maternelle qui apprennent l'informatique. credits

Enfants inscrits en maternelle qui apprennent l’informatique. credits

As-tu entre 7 et 18 ans?

Aimes-tu l’informatique, les jeux vidéo? Veux-tu apprendre à programmer?

Alors CoderDojo est pour toi, enregistre toi gratuitement pour notre prochain événement en cliquant sur ce lien!

Viens et apprends tout sur la manière de concevoir un site internet, des jeux vidéo; Ensuite, entraine toi tout seul à la maison et partage ton travail à ta famille, tes amis et ton professeur!
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CoderDojo Belgium

CoderDojo arrives to Brussels, 25 September from 2pm to 5pm

Kindergarten children learning how to use computers. credits

Kindergarten children learning how to use computers. credits

Are you over 7 and under 18?

Do you like computers, games? Do you want to learn programming?

Then CoderDojo all for you, register for our next event in Brussels by clicking here!

Come and learn all about websites, games, apps and software; then, go immediately get to work.
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VZW Sémaphore viert 20 Jaar – 22 September 2012 in Anderlecht

De vereniging van het project Sémaphore werd geboren in 1992 met de hulp van een kleine groep jongeren, vergezeld van de oprichter van de Associatie, die toen woonde op een boot.

Maar het was pas in 1996 dat de vereniging haar “cruisen” begon met de overname van het schip Jean-Bart.

In de afgelopen jaren heeft het project genomen consistentie en vzw Sémaphore is trots dit jaar in staat zijn haar 20-jarig bestaan in de buurt Biestebroeck vieren.

Sémaphore biedt om met de jeugd te werken door middel van begeleiding, buitenschoolse activiteiten, vakantiekampen en een thuis.

Wij organiseren vele evenementen en thema-avonden om bewoners te mobiliseren en de verzoening van alle voor een betere samenhang te bevorderen.

Aan de andere kant, deze gebeurtenissen toe uitwisselingen met andere multiculturele verenigingen, gelegen in andere gemeenten van Brussel.

Voor 20 jaar, Sémaphore stelt een verjaardag die dag u niet mag missen!

Wees met ons mee 22 september 2012 in de buurt Biestebroeck.


> 10h vroege inschrijving workshops!

> 10:30-12:30 street art (over Hip Hop, graffiti workshop, circusschool van Brussel en klimwand)

> 12u30-14u30 sandwich partij

> 14u30-18u00 watersport (fregat haven Brussel VZW scheepswerf, roeivereniging, …)

en op aarde (springkastelen, reuze kicker, sumo spoor, houten spelletjes, klimwand, sport, circus ring, schminken voor kinderen, promotie, …)

en het schip Jean-Bart (expo foto’s terug naar de toekomst, spatiebalk en snacks …)

> 18u30 verjaardag speech

> 19u-20u30 wereld buffet (toeslag)

> 20h-22h concert



Contact & Infos

ASBL Semaphore Péniche Jean-Bart
Quai de Biestebroeck
B-1070 Anderlecht

Tel: 0483 02 61 11
Bateau: 02 521 93 51
Tel: 0483 04 31 80

Flyer: ASBL Sémaphore fête ses 20 ans (1/2)

Flyer: ASBL Sémaphore fête ses 20 ans (1/2)

Flyer: ASBL Sémaphore fête ses 20 ans (2/2)

Flyer: ASBL Sémaphore fête ses 20 ans (2/2)

ASBL Sémaphore fête ses 20 ans

ASBL Sémaphore fête ses 20 ans

ASBL Sémaphore fête ses 20 ans

ASBL Sémaphore fête ses 20 ans ce 22 Septembre à Anderlecht (Bruxelles)

Le projet de L’ASBL Sémaphore voit le jour en 1992 avec l’aide d’un petit groupe de jeunes, accompagnés du fondateur de l’ASBL qui résidait alors sur une péniche.

Mais c’est seulement en 1996 que l’ASBL débute sa « croisière » par
l’acquisition de la péniche Jean–Bart.

En quelques années, le projet a pris de la consistance et l’ASBL Sémaphore est fière cette année, de pouvoir fêter ses 20 ans d’existence dans le quartier Biestebroeck.

Sémaphore propose de travailler avec les jeunes par le biais d’un soutien scolaire, d’activités extrascolaires, de camps de vacance et d’un accueil.

Nous organisons de nombreux évènements et soirées thématiques dans le but de mobiliser les habitants du quartier et de favoriser le rapprochement de tous pour une meilleure cohésion.

D’autre part, ces évènements permettent les échanges avec d’autres associations multiculturelles, localisées dans d’autres communes de Bruxelles.

Pour ses 20 ans, Sémaphore propose donc une journée d’anniversaire que vous ne pouvez pas manquer !

Soyez donc nombreux à nous rejoindre le 22 septembre 2012 au sein du quartier Biestebroeck.


> 10h début des inscriptions des ateliers!

> 10h30-12h30 arts de la rue (cours de Hip Hop, atelier graffiti, école du cirque de Bruxelles et mur d’escalade)

> 12h30-14h30 sandwich party

> 14h30-18h00 activités nautiques (frégate du port de Bruxelles, ASBL chantier naval, club avirons,…),

et sur terre (châteaux gonflables, kicker géant, piste de sumo, jeux en bois, mur d’escalade, activités sportives, piste de cirque, grimage d’enfants, activités de promotion,…)

et dans la péniche Jean-Bart (expo photos retour vers le futur, espace bar et petite restauration,…)

> 18h30 discours d’anniversaire

> 19h-20h30 buffet du monde (payant)

> 20h-22h concert



Contact & Infos

ASBL Semaphore Péniche Jean-Bart
Quai de Biestebroeck
B-1070 Anderlecht

Tel: 0483 02 61 11
Bateau: 02 521 93 51
Tel: 0483 04 31 80

ASBL Sémaphore fête ses 20 ans

ASBL Sémaphore fête ses 20 ans

Flyer: ASBL Sémaphore fête ses 20 ans (1/2)

Flyer: ASBL Sémaphore fête ses 20 ans (2/2)

Flyer: ASBL Sémaphore fête ses 20 ans (2/2)

Where to surf freely on #Internet in #Brussels #Belgium ? #Free #Urbizone

The town of Brussels provides a map of the Wi-Fi zones identified in the territory of Brussels.
Access Wi-Fi are proposed by the Brussels-Capital (Urbizone) but also by cafes, restaurants and fast food, hotels, train stations, gas stations, …

Some Internet access is totally free. Other hotspots may require proving the quality of customer of the institution by inputting credentials given by the institution you are in.

The map is made thanks to Google maps but the layout of the page is not ergonomic at all.

People are free to add a new free hotspot by sending an email to an address provided in the link provided hereunder.

[1] Wifi – Town of Brussels

How to setup a non-profit organisation in #Belgium? #nonprofit #asbl #vzw

Minimal table of contents of the Articles needed to start a non-profit organisation in Belgium:

The word ‘ASBL’ should be mentioned in every document

  • e.g. Sémaphore ASBL or Sémaphore Association Sans But Lucratif
  • it is forbidden to use a name of a non profit already existing


  • exact address and district judicial e.g. Arrondissement de Bruxelles

The goal of the association:

  • be very precise (help children from third world countries) and DO NOT list the activities (collect money, etc.)

The goal of the association:

  • be very precise (help children from third world countries) and DO NOT list the activities (collect money, etc.)

The members of the Association:

  • The articles must state: The full names, address of each founder (individual);
  • The name, legal form (ASBL) and the registered address of each founder (legal entity). The registered office of any corporate founders should not be confused with the head office of the association is established.
  • The conditions and formalities of admission and discharge of the members must also be defined in the articles
  • The rights and obligations of the members must also be fixed by the articles (and not by internal rules of procedure).

General Assembly: powers, summons, notice to members

  • The articles must state the functions and mode of convening the general assembly. They must also indicate how its decisions are brought to the attention of members and third parties.
  • The powers reserved to the General Assembly are:
    • Changes in articles;
    • Appointment and dismissal of directors;
    • The appointment and dismissal of auditors and fixation of their compensation if a payment is foreseen;
    • Discharge to be granted to directors and commissioners;
    • approval of budgets and accounts;
    • The dissolution of the association;
    • Exclusion of a member;
    • The transformation of the association in corporation with a social purpose;
    • All the conducts the articles require.
  • It is important to indicate that anything that is not assigned by law or the articles is under the jurisdiction of the Board of the General Assembly
  • The general meeting is convened by the board or when a fifth of the members requests it. The Articles shall determine the terms of this notice. The notice period is eight days at least.
  • It is usual that the association keeps a register that records the decisions of the General Assembly. The articles should determine how members can see it.

Directors: appointment, dismissal and powers

  • The articles must contain the rules for the appointment, dismissal and termination of a director and the extent of their powers and how to exercise (by acting either individually or jointly, or in college). It is also necessary to regulate the duration of their mandate.
  • If the articles permit individuals to represent the association and / or the delegation of daily management
    the association, these mentions are also required.
  • If the articles are considering the appointment of commissioners, they should mention their method of appointment

Contributions or payments by members

  • The maximum amount of the contribution must be stated in the statutes, in order to inform those wishing to join the association on the financial commitments that will be required

Allocation of assets on dissolution

  • The articles must specify the destination of the assets resulting from the liquidation of an association. It must be assigned to a disinterested purpose. If you wish to give the property at the disposal of an association and later retrieve, you are advised to establish a writing describing the conditions.

Lifetime of the association

  • You should indicate the lifetime of the association when it is not unlimited. Indeed, some are non-profit organization formed to ensure that the pursuit of a goal limited in time.
  • The mention of the term in the articles, when it is not unlimited, provides an additional guarantee to potential members.

Useful links

ASBL Sémaphore organise 3 camps pour des adolescents sur une péniche #NonProfit #UrgentlyLookingForTeenagers #Brussels

ASBL Sémaphore, une association de jeunes

ASBL Sémaphore, une association de jeunes

L’ASBL Sémaphore organise comme chaque année plusieurs camps sur une péniche en Flandre et en Wallonie.

Un de nos partenaires a annulé sa participation à nos activités ce mercredi alors que nous larguons les amarres ce samedi.

N’hésitez pas à nous contacter si vos enfants, amis ou associations veulent passer des vacances sur une péniche du côté de Péronnes-lez-Antoing avec nos équipes et nos jeunes.

Réponse souhaitée pour le 1er Juillet 2011!

Email: coordinateur {AT} asbl-semaphore {DOT} org

Si nous n’avons pas assez de jeunes nous devrons annuler nos activités 😦

Péniche Jean Bart, ASBL Sémaphore

Péniche Jean Bart, ASBL Sémaphore


Site internet (fait en 5 minutes :-):

Description des camps:

Documents administratifs:

Jeunes pendant un camp, Péniche Jean Bart, ASBL Sémaphore

Jeunes pendant un camp, Péniche Jean Bart, ASBL Sémaphore

Bateau Jean Bart en navigation, Péniche Jean Bart, ASBL Sémaphore

Bateau Jean Bart en navigation, Péniche Jean Bart, ASBL Sémaphore,Rue+du+Canal+15,+7640+Antoing&gl=be&daddr=Rue+du+Canal+15,+7640+Antoing&t=h&ll=50.544681,3.450469&spn=0.006295,0.009906&output=embed
View Larger Map

Pay-For-Performance or How to fail your human resources management

I am the president of non profit organisation which helps children and adolescents to foster the acquisition of knowledge and skills allowing a personal development, a self-esteem and sense of responsibility by working on a barge [2], doing sport and acting imaginatively and creatively through the organisation of cultural events.

As many public administrations we are publicly funded and collect few donations to be used to increase the salary of our team (a coordinator and two animators). We try to keep them motivated, as my HR manager told me more that 5 years ago, but it doesn’t work.

My definition of the motivation is:

  1. Inform honestly on the difficulty of the job (but psychologists say: if you don’t experience it you can’t truly evaluate its difficulty or simplicity – think when you had your first child)
  2. Focus on the dreams of the employees but use their past knowledge and interest (e.g. we had a professor or theatre courses who never gave any classes to our children)
  3. Answer honestly to the questions of the employees
  4. Involve the employees during each discussions when strategic decisions are made
  5. Give a full autonomy to the employees to organise activities with our children

But apparently it is still not sufficient, the work looks too hard:

  • Maintaining a barge of 38×6 square meters
  • Educating children through the work, the sport and the culture
  • Motivating children

On top of that, we had difficulties to recruit new members of our Management Board as people are too busy to dedicate time for a mid-long term commitment; On the contrary, we find easily volunteers for short-term (read semester) commitments in accordance with the school’ schedule (September-June).

The question is: “how could we keep the motivation of our children, employees and members of the Board?”.

Recently I found a definition of the motivation which made by Daniel H. Pink. He is an American writer, author of many books focusing on the world of work.

Below is a talk presenting the gap between what science knows about motivation and what companies apply. Apparently, we don’t need sweeter carrots and sharper sticks, we need a whole new approach, an approach that puts more stock in intrinsic motivation.

Dan identifies three elements that comprise a new way of thinking about motivation [1]:

  • Autonomy: The urge to direct our own lives.
  • Mastery: The desire to get better at something that matters.
  • Purpose: The yearning to do what we do in the service of something larger than ourselves.

Based on that definition I’ll be able to foster the motivation of our employees and try to keep them proud of them and willing to help children who need guidance during this ‘crisis” era during which the financial bonuses of the individuals have generated one of the biggest economical decline!

let’s watch this 5 stars talk:

[1] End of December, Dan will release a new book: “Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us

[2] Semaphore nonprofit organisation: